Behind the world

By Amy Gibb

It was the worst day of my life. Everything was going wrong. No joke. The whole world was against me, and I am 15mins behind the world anyway - I was screwed.

It was a {{dayofweek}}. That always spells trouble. I was cat-sitting for my mate in {{neighborhood}}. I had never stayed there before and everything was off kilter. I am also allergic to cats. Joy.

I set out on my journey of hell. I forgot my phone charger, and I ran out of battery just as I was reached {{train-station}}. The trains were not running, so there was no way me to get into {{train-station city}}. The weather was {{weather}} and I sat on a bus - willing it to go faster and to not stop outside every {{supermarket}} it passes.

Sweat trickled down my spine. The bus crawled. I recounted a silent, obscene hatemessage to the rest of the world, whilst willing a telepathic message of apology to the nicest guy in the world. By now I was 30minutes late, with no real excuse other than ineptitude.

I pass over {{bridge}} and go past {{park 3}}. The bus pulls in and I run. I run to as fast as I can. Almost an hour late.

My heartbeat stops. He’s there waiting.